

WFA Better Marketing Pod Ep 22: On reasons to be optimistic about 2023 with Tom Standage, The Economist

David Wheldon, speaks with Tom Standage, Deputy Editor of The Economist and Editor, The World Ahead, about tech people’s Messiah complex, upcoming regulation ...

Economist Impact presents The World Ahead: 2023

Finally, I return to Bob Hoffman, because one of the things we are collectively brilliant at is finding ways for people to reject our message. Tracking is another of those things. “If we’d end third party tracking ...

David Wheldon, my top 10 take-outs: Ditch the tracking

Finally, I return to Bob Hoffman, because one of the things we are collectively brilliant at is finding ways for people to reject our message. Tracking is another of those things. “If we’d end third party tracking ...

David Wheldon, my top 10 take-outs: Be more integrated

It’s too late to bemoan the separation of media and creative, the challenge for marketers is now to make them work together seamlessly. Those that do this reap the rewards in terms of more effective advertising.